Ed Goldberg

Ed Goldberg was born in The Bronx, New York in 1943. After dropping out of college in 1962, he attempted to do stand-up comedy, unsuccessfully. He wrote for a few of the underground papers in New York. He moved to Washington, DC, 1973, became a technical writer, and wrote pop music features and reviews for a monthly arts and entertainment paper, including covering the punk-rock scene. Eventually, he branched out to jazz, theater, and film reviews. In 1991, he moved to Portland, Oregon and got into radio work and writing crime novels. His first book, Served Cold, won the 1995 Shamus Award for best original paperback fiction. In the same series are Dead Air and Red Flags. His fourth novel, True Crime, (as “Alan Gold”) was published in February 2005. True Faith was published in January 2007. He started listening to classical music seriously in the late 60s. He works on All Classical 89.9, as an announcer playing classical music, and has been there for more than 20 years. He still writes, and is accumulating short stories for a collection.

Books By Ed Goldberg