Immeasurable: Diving the Depths of God’s Love

Immeasurable: Diving the Depths of God’s Love

Immeasurable: Diving the Depths of God’s Love
By Diana Anderson-Tyler
Published by Untreed Reads
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From the number of figures on our paychecks to the digits staring back at us from the bathroom scale, we often gauge our success by the numerical standards of this world – but there are some things that cannot be measured. Immeasurable is the personal story of a young woman who has found freedom from “measuring up” by seeking the One who numbers and names the stars, the One who gives graciously from the overflowing abundance of His love.

“As I dealt with years of eating disorders myself, I too was broken, depressed and hopeless. Diana is a beautiful example of sharing Christ and speaking truth and hope to women everywhere.”
Andrea Logan White
Actress (Mom’s Night Out)
Co-Owner, Pure Flix Entertainment