Lady Warhawk

Lady Warhawk

Lady Warhawk
The Zygradon Chronicles Book 4
By Michelle L. Levigne
Published by Untreed Reads
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Raised in hiding, Athrar Warhawk emerges to claim his place and destiny as Warhawk’s Heir. Guided by Mrillis and Meghianna, supported by his foster-brother, Lycen, Meghianna’s adopted son, he tries to hold the alliance together as rebels and traitors fight for dominance. Young love turns to betrayal and loss, made worse by the political games of court and a growing schism between Noveni and Rey’kil.

When Athrar finds his soul-mate, traitors and politics try to tear them apart, and magic tries to force her to betray him with Lycen. A new prophecy emerges, speaking of the Lady Warhawk, promising sorrow and hope for the future–even as the Nameless One emerges from hiding and begins his final campaign of destruction. Mrillis and Meghianna risk all to protect the defenseless thousands who have fled to Moerta, and in so doing lock the defenders in with their enemy, for all time. Only the Lady Warhawk will hold the key to the future, and to freedom.