Presidential Liaison

Presidential Liaison

Presidential Liaison
By Anne Manning
Published by Untreed Reads
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The most trusted woman in America. A conservative President just coming to terms with the loss of his beloved wife. Cassie Mercer is a veteran TV news reporter, bred to the job by her legendary parents. The culmination of her career in the form of the anchor chair is now hers, and she’s assigned to the White House beat until she assumes her new duties. Her dream job fades in importance, though, when she comes face to face with President Bill MacAllister. Bill had thought himself ready to follow his late wife to the grave, but, after a year of mourning, he suddenly comes alive again when Cassie comes into the Press Room. It wouldn’t seem that a conservative President and a progressive TV newswoman would have anything in common, but politics is nothing compared to two hearts meant to be together. Can they survive the scheming of political and romantic enemies and create a liaison that lasts a lifetime?