The Groom Wore White

The Groom Wore White

The Groom Wore White
By Taylor Manning
Published by Untreed Reads
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Texas rancher Winnie Davis had a husband and doesn’t want another one. She keeps men at arm’s length with wolf whistles, dragging them to the dance floor, and calling out her appreciation of the “stock.” But her sassy behavior is only a wall to keep men away and protect the secret she has kept from everyone, even her very best friends. Winnie’s great aunt, Miss Daisy Hemphill and the ladies of the Ophelia, Texas, Prayer Circle seek heavenly assistance in finding husbands for the town’s single women. When they take on Winnie’s case, she’s not glad for the attention.

Ophelia’s new doctor, Will Barker, is fascinated by the sexy lady rancher, and intrigued by her brash sassiness. He’s not looking for anything permanent while he establishes himself in his new hometown, but Winnie’s charms are too much to ignore.

To send the Prayer Circle ladies on to another victim, Winnie agrees to Will’s plan for a pretend romance…until it becomes more.