The Lights in Vegas

The Lights in Vegas

The Lights in Vegas
By Justin Kramasz
Published by Untreed Reads
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Brig Detroit is a professional poker player who has fallen through the cracks of modern society. Living his day to day life one hotel at a time, he grinds his living on a leather chair, in comfortable obscurity.

After receiving news of his cousin’s murder, Brig’s best friend, Benny, convinces him to drive to New York to investigate the crime. When Benny goes missing, Brig must unravel a strange chain of events leading him to one of New York’s most feared Mafioso’s, the supposed bastard son of John Gotti. Brig is drawn into a cat-and-mouse game with local authorities and thugs alike. Using all of his resources, he must evade violent criminals and dirty cops while he searches for answers about his friend’s disappearance.

Bloody and bruised, Brig finally lands on Gotti’s doorstep. Gotti’s price for information on Benny’s disappearance puts Brig, and his entire bankroll, at risk when he decides to raise the money the only way he knows how.

Bullets and aces must fly before Brig can finally know peace and find closure.