The Portrait

The Portrait

The Portrait
By Judith B Glad
Published by Untreed Reads
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Even in the Regency, marketing plans were useful, especially when parents were seeking to marry a daughter advantageously. Lord and Lady Curran expect their daughter’s portrait to convince potential suitors of her beauty, her worth and her desirability. Of course, it must also show her as a perfect, obedient, demure lady.

Kermit Sutherland is a popular portraitist, so of course he is engaged to produce the portrait. What Chastity’s parents don’t understand is that Sutherland paints more than the surface. He has a knack for seeing into a woman’s heart and soul.

Under her obedient façade, Chastity harbors a rebellious heart, and Sutherland sees it and encourages it. When her portrait is finished, it might show more than her parents–or she–have bargained for.