What’s It Take to Make a Man?: A Handbook for the Parents of Boys

What’s It Take to Make a Man?: A Handbook for the Parents of Boys

What’s It Take to Make a Man?: A Handbook for the Parents of Boys
By R.O. Bloch
Published by Untreed Reads
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Written as a handbook for new or aspiring parents, What’s It Take To Make A Man? proposes a bold, even visionary approach to solving the twin problems of boys with little purpose and families with little connection. The book provides a practical, comprehensive road map for the rebirth of real Manhood and Family-hood. Just as the Women’s Movement forever dispelled the notion of women as second class, What’s It Take To Make A Man? will lead the simmering parent revolt against pop culture’s degradation of young men and their character.

With engaging chapter titles like “The Hole In The Soul Generation” and “Raising vs. Nurturing,”  What’s It Take To Make A Man? gets right to the point, in a common sense style that is inclusive of all boys, no matter what their sexual preference, or even their parents’ gender or relationship.Over 132,000 American teens attempted suicide in a recent year. Boys were five times more likely to try than girls. Boys are seven times more likely to drop out of school before age 18, and are joining gangs at alarming rates. By any measure, our boys are timed out, disengaged, and failing fast. Most have no idea of their obligation, or even their option, to become Men of character.